A pic from three years ago today. “Polymnia” came out, right as the world was shutting down. Remember the beautiful weather? And how loud the birds were? It was peak banana bread season. My heart, and my arse, were expanding at a rate of knots.
I’d been frantically putting together release plans for this album as my belly grew and grew. I was determined that motherhood would not derail me. I’d scheduled a UK tour for the month after the album release, knowing my baby would be just five months old at the time, but thought to myself “where there’s a will there’s a way… I mean how hard can it be!”.
As the date drew near, panic set in. It dawned on me how excruciating it was going to be to disentangle myself from this position, where I’d basically been for four months. Being anywhere but by her side felt, well, impossible.
And then the world took that decision out of my hands, and my body flooded with relief. Our world got very small, as we cocooned together as a new family, continuing to bake. My heart, and my arse, got even bigger again.
The morning the record came out, an unusual amount of listening activity started happening on my Spotify account. I’m forever grateful to that sweet little algorithm that scattered this album into peoples Release Radar playlists all over the world that day. I got emails from people saying how much it helped them through lockdown, and the vinyls found homes in all sorts of unexpected places.
Thank you Ellie for reminding me about this day, I never would have remembered!
Happy Birthday Polymnia and thank you to all the people that worked so hard on it, in particular TJ Allen for making me sound so damn fancy.